Welcome to your December Update for the 2024 EGU General Assembly, to be held 14–19 April 2024, both on-site in Vienna, Austria, and virtually. To keep you up to date, we will be sending you important EGU24 information 'EGU24 Updates' at least once per month – at the beginning of the month. You will still receive direct emails when tasks have a specific deadline, so make sure you check your spam folders and settings so that you don't miss anything!
So, what do you need to do in December?
For conveners
- The call for abstracts is open, so it's time to advertise your session! The abstract submission deadline is 10 January 2024, 13:00 CET.
- The applications for Roland Schlich travel support and virtual participant fee waivers will be available for rating from 2 December. Make sure you have completed rating by 14 December 2023.
- If you would like to have a solicited speaker in your session, make sure you check the conditions that apply before approaching them.
- Have a question about being a convener? Find all convener guidelines and rules on our website!
- Registration fee information is now available on the EGU24 website, registration will open mid-December.
- Become a mentor at EGU24 and support your colleagues! Apply by 15 March 2024.
- Apply for a Townhall meeting at EGU24 by 17 January 2024!
- GeoCinema is back! Submit your short film by 15 December 2023.
- Prepare your calendar with all the EGU24 important dates by checking our Deadlines and Milestones page.
For authors
- Submit your regular abstract to the session of your choice by 10 January 2024, 13:00 CET.
- Submit an abstract in an EOS session in addition to a regular abstract, this is the only exception to the one abstract rule (unless you are a solicited speaker).
- If you have been invited as a solicited speaker, ensure you have the TAN number from your convener that you need to submit your solicited talk in addition to a regular abstract.
- Looking for tips on how to submit your abstract? Find instructions on how to submit on the EGU24 website.
- If you applied for financial support the results of your application will be available on 10 January 2024.
- Registration fee information is now available on the EGU24 website, registration will open mid-December.
- Apply for a Townhall meeting at EGU24 by 17 January 2024!
- Become a mentor at EGU24 and support your colleagues! Apply by 15 March 2024.
- GeoCinema is back! Submit your short film by 15 December 2023.
- Prepare your calendar with all the EGU24 important dates by checking our Deadlines and Milestones page.
For attendees
- Registration fee information is now available on the EGU24 website, registration will open mid-December.
- Apply for a Townhall meeting at EGU24 by 17 January 2024!
- Become a mentor at EGU24 and support your colleagues! Apply by 15 March 2024.
- GeoCinema is back! Submit your short film by 15 December 2023.
- Prepare your calendar with all the EGU24 important dates by checking our Deadlines and Milestones page.